Use the buttons below to hop to the individually priced offerings you are looking for.
Restore your body's ability to heal itself
Bioresonance measures the body’s energy wavelengths and restores cells to optimal frequency helping the body fight diseases, prevent illnesses, and manage chronic pain.
Massage Therapy
Soothe muscular tension to help the body relax with our massage offering
Stress causes physical manifestation of illness in your body – release some of those tensions with a good massage.
Intuitive Healing
Be guided by an attuned energetic healer to release blockages keeping you from wellness.
Intuitive healing uses various modalities, including Japanese Reiki and Egyptian Sekhem is used to remove any energetic barriers. We then explore further into who you are using Transformational Coaching.

Initial Consultation
60 – 90 Minutes
Body Contouring Combo Treatments
Individually Priced Body Contouring Treatments
Smart Lipo or Laser-assisted liposuction
Laser wavelengths gently melts away fat that’s then naturally removed from the body through the lymphatic system. Suited for spot treatments and larger areas.
30 Minutes
6-10 Sessions
1 session every 2-4 days for 4 weeks
Ultrasonic Cavitation
Break down fat cells, reduce cellulite and give skin a healthy glow. Tighten skin and stimulate collagen production with this painless treatment.
40 Minutes
8-10 Sessions
1 every 3-4 days x 4 sessions, then weekly
Fat Freeze
Freezing temperatures are used to destroy stubborn fat and rid it from the body. Lose 25% fat per treatment
Muscle Sculpting Treatment
Muscle activation. Body/Muscle sculpting and fat elimination in one treatment. 30-minute session = 20,000 sit-ups or squats.
30 Minutes
6-8 Sessions
1 every 2-4 days x 4 sessions, then weekly